Saturday, October 30, 2010

My ever supportive admirer

I'm starting to get the feeling that my little 3 year old boy doesn't just love me. He is completely in love with me. He sees the need to tell me that he loves me a couple of times a day. It often begins with a hug, then he looks at me in the eyes with the most tender, loving expression and tells me I love you Mummy. Then he will finish off with a kiss. Isn't he just so deeply in love?

And that's not all. He also tells me that I'm pretty. Sometimes cute. It doesn't matter what I am wearing for the day. I can be dressed up and putting on makeup, or I may be sweating in the kitchen in my ratty home clothes making dinner. He will just come up to me out of the blue and tells me that I am pretty. And of course finish it off with his grand gestures of hugs, kisses and confessions of his love for me.

I don't know when he will grow out of this loving phase but I am trying to savour every moment. After all, I cannot imagine him doing these when he is 14 and will be too embarrassed to be even seen hugging his mother. But this morning, my husband and I were telling him about how his little girlfriend in Perth (yes he already has a girlfriend and is maintaining a long distance relationship) has been saying that she wants to marry him someday, he suddenly got all teary and upset. But I want to marry Mummy! I love Mummy! That was all he kept saying. And he wouldn't hear a word when his dad tried to explain to him.

Well, all I can say is, his future girlfriends indeed have got a lot to contend with.

Photo taken in Febuary early this year when we were on our way to Nikko for skiing.


Anonymous said...

so sweet!! :)

Anonymous said...

Haha! How adorable. Enjoy every moment of it, I shudder to think what life will be like when they are teens. :)

Anonymous said...

That is just so gorgeous Cindy, I just love that he wants to Marry his Mummy! That is just so sweet. I love the photo of you and Aiden you can see in the photo how much he adores you. Luv Kerry xxx