Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's for dinner?

The house is almost unpacked with just a few boxes lying around but I'm still trying to settle in my usual routine and playing catch up with chores and errands. I was looking at some photos that were taken before I went to Singapore and saw this which I have yet to post.

This is my "What's for dinner" post this week (for those who visit this blog frequently will know that I like to post an entry on what's for dinner once a week).

I'm pretty particular about Aiden's nuitrition and keep track of what he eats in a week as a general guideline. Above is one of Aiden's typical dinner - steamed fish fillet (seasoned with ginger, sesame oil and a dash of soy sauce), rice and a salad. He loves fish which is great as they are full of nutritional value and is especially good for brain development. I mentioned before that Aiden doesn't really like cooked vegetables so I iend to prepare a green salad as a side for him.

This is his way of showing appreciation for his dinner.



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