Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Montessori Focus: Baking

 As part of our montessori activities at home, I do baking/cooking with Aiden fairly often. Cooking (or baking) falls under the "practical life activities" category of the montessori principle. It is believed that children benefit tremendously from being involved in the mundane household chores such as cleaning the tables, sweeping the floor, preparing food etc. Not only do such activities help to further develop their fine motor skills and coordination, they also instil a sense of responsibility in children at a very young age, so that they get used to contributing their part to the family.

I like to cook and bake so getting Aiden involved in the kitchen makes perfect sense to me. Afterall, which kid doesn't enjoy making a mess? My kitchen often ends up like a warzone after Aiden join me in food preparation. I don't enjoy that but that's part of life when you have a toddler. Mess can be cleaned up. The most important thing is Aiden really have a lot of fun whenever he is being allowed to join in the kitchen.

So we made some cookies the other day. Check out how focused he was when given a "job".

We brought some cookies to his school the next day and he happily shared them with his teachers and best mates.

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